Divorce lessons from the rich and famous

Randall Kessler

By Randall Kessler, Founding Partner at Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys

Updated January 15, 2025

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So one of my favorite things that I hear in an initial consultation, a client will come in and say, Mr. Kessler, I’m not one of your famous clients. I’m not one of your celebrity clients. I love that because I say to them, good, then you’re normal. You’re one of our regular clients. You’re one of our bread and butter clients. That’s who we live for. And you might hear about us representing celebrities because of course, that’s what the press covers and that’s who’s in the news. But that’s not the majority of our cases. We have 19 lawyers here. We don’t have 19 lawyers handling nothing but celebrities. I’ll also tell you that rich doesn’t mean famous, and famous certainly doesn’t mean rich. We have represented more than our share of very famous people that are very not rich. Right. And reputation doesn’t do it.

I’m not going to represent somebody just because they’re famous. There are lots of superstars that will think people are going to do things for free. And they’re used to that. And I get it. You know, a famous football player walks into a restaurant. Someone sitting at the table next to them says, can I buy them dinner? Can I get them a bottle of wine? When they come in to see me, they’re not coming in with an attitude like, I’m rich and famous. They’re coming in hurting, like everybody. They’re coming in, they need help. And they don’t want me to worship them. And they don’t want me to say, oh, you must know everything because you’re a famous actor. They want to know how can I help them. And the way I can help them is explain how the process works.

There are lots of unique things to the rich and famous that we need to think about. Confidentiality, not going public a lot of times, like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. When you heard about their divorce, you know what you heard about they are divorced. You didn’t hear she filed for divorce. That means the lawyers had been working behind the scenes for years. Maybe everybody’s different. And you got to figure out what is it that drives them? What do they want? Do they want closure? Do they want the house? Do they want the rights to their music? Do they want their rights to manage their kids career? What is it that’s really going to make it for that person? And once I figure that out, the rest is easy.

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