Understanding dating and divorce

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If you and your spouse are separated and you don’t have kids and you’re going through a divorce, it’s generally fine to date. Sometimes I encourage it to get them in the right direction and start seeing maybe positive relationships. But at the same time, I also caution clients to not date at least six months after the divorce because you should do a lot of reflecting. You have to heal from. From the wounds, right? And are you in the best position to start dating again when you’re still recovering from the hurt and pain of divorce, when you have children? Dating during divorce, in my opinion, is absolutely not. You need to be there 100% for your kids while you go through a divorce and thereafter dating takes away, in my opinion, that commitment, so to speak.

And the commitment is even more so necessary for the kids because their parents are divorcing. So if you have kids and you’re going through a divorce, do not date. If you don’t have kids and you feel like you’ve moved on and healed and reflected and you’re in a position, that’s fine. A lot of times my experience representing clients is clients who are going through divorce or recently divorced want to jump right back into a relationship because they have some codependent type traits and qualities. And that’s why I caution them against that. Heal yourself first. Recognize why your first marriage or whatever marriage didn’t work out. What can you do better? You know, what can you look for in a partner? But you know, a lot of times people just jump right back into relationship without the necessary care, reflection, and thought.

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