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Picking the right attorney in a divorce involves research. But the best way to pick an attorney in a divorce case is through a referral. A lot of people search for divorce attorneys online, and there are a lot of law firms and attorneys who practice family law in volume, as opposed to being able to devote time to each case. And so I believe, you know, getting a referral from a friend, a colleague, a professional is the best way to pick the right attorney. And then once you get that referral, validate it by then looking online. What can you find online? Are they exclusively practicing family law, or are they engaging, practicing other areas of the law, and for how long? What is their trial experience? Are they members of any type of elite organizations? And ask them their caseload.
How many cases do you have at a time? Going back earlier to Internet searches, you’re going to find firms, like I said, that’s a volume divorce firm. Each attorney has 50 to 75 divorce cases. And you can’t effectively manage a case with that many cases. No one can. And so ask them what their caseload is. So those are the important questions I would ask.