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Is going to trial worth the effort and expense? It is definitely worth the effort and expense when you cannot settle the case on a reasonable basis. A lot of times cases can’t be settled on a reasonable basis because of emotion, conflict, extreme dislike. And so going to trial when you’re not. When you. When you can’t reasonably settle the case is a must. But also going to trial, you have to do a cost benefit analysis, right? How much is trial going to cost versus how much am I seeking? How much am I going after? A lot of times trials are necessary too, for reality checks. You know, one or one spouse may have unrealistic expectations or demands, and, you know, the judge sets those expectations. And a lot of times, especially at the beginning of a case, clients want to tell their story.
They want to be heard. Right. Not just by me, but by the judge. You know, the judge has to hear this, Gary, and I want to be heard, etc. And while I respect that, you also have to kind of analyze it in terms of is it worth it? Right? I understand you want to be heard. I hear you. Opposing counsel hears you, the mediator hears you, whatever. But it’s usually based on emotion. Like, I want to take him or her for everything they’re worth. And so those are the expectations that need to be kind of readjusted. Okay? Now, certainly there’s cases where it will be justified. Like I said, if one spouse is just being completely unreasonable, then you don’t have a choice but to have your voice heard. And that’s. It is usually not a good idea.