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I had a case years ago where the parties had started a very lucrative business together and co-owned the business. But unfortunately, they were getting divorced and they were no longer able to continue to operate and own the business together. And so the divorce essentially became a contest over who was going to have control and ownership of the company going forward. But the issue really becomes what is the cost going to be, in other words, what is the value of that business interest and what is their spouse’s, his or her spouse’s claim to that business and how much are they going to have to give, so to speak, in order to retain the business. I was representing the wife, and she was a really extraordinary woman, very positive. She sort of built that company by lifting people up.

Her husband was the type of person who would like to push people down. And I think that came through in the evidence, in the witnesses and employees that testified. And she ended up securing the ownership and control of the company. And to have a hand in that, to see how she’s now taken it to greater heights, was really fulfilling.

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